I am a Southern Regional Health School student

Stuff I have written

The Hitchhiker

In the short story, “The Hitchhiker” by Roald Dahl we meet just three characters but I like the hitchhiker the most. He was the most interesting and he was clever.  It was not about what I’d thought it would be about because he is not your ordinary hitchhiker.

The Hitchhiker caught a ride with a man in his BMW and was traveling just out of London.  He was going to the Derby horse racing.  He didn’t like to bet, watch or work there. He asked the Guv’nor how fast the car would go. He replied 129 km. They started to speed down the open road only to be pulled over by the Police. Once they got pulled over the Copper got their details and it seemed that he didn’t like both of the men in the vehicle. The best part was when the officer took off past them in his motorbike, the hitchhiker said, “We got nothin’ to worry about”. The Guv’nor asked the hitchhiker what he did for work. He said I’m a finger-smith. The hitchhiker asked "What's the time?" The Guv’nor looked at his watch to notice it gone. The hitchhiker said, "I got the Coppers notebook too. That copper has nothin on us, but we better get rid of it quickly!"  It’s hard to believe he could take stuff without the people knowing.

The Hitchhiker looked like a rat so that I think that could mean he is a not a very nice person. “He was a small ratty-face man with grey teeth.” He was wearing grey colored clothing with a jacket that had “enormous pockets”. He didn't want to tell the driver what he did for a living. Near the end of the story the hitchhiker showed the driver he was a fingersmith.  “He held out his hand and there was my watch lying in his palm.” He also gave back his wallet and the other things he had pinched.

He broke the law and he got the driver of the car also to break the law. The Hitchhiker figured that they were both good at their jobs.  “Writing … It’s what I call a skilled trade. I’m in a skilled trade too.” Once the driver had been booked for speeding, he was willing to show him what he did for a living. So he was showing his talents by being sneaky, crafty and clever. He didn't like it when the driver said he was a pickpocket because “Pickpockets is coarse and vulgar people who only do easy little amateur jobs. They lift money from blind old ladies.” I like Roald Dahl’s stories because they are often funny and quite cleverly written.

I think the hitchhiker isn't bad after you get to know him. After reading the story he seems a bit too unbelievable. You’d enjoy this story if you like a bit of a laugh.

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